Are your READY to Test Drive our Transformation Academy 
For 5 Days!  And put yourself first? You deserve it!

Ditch the “I’ll start next Monday” mindset  with the 5-Day  Test Drive! Change your HABITS change your LIFE!
It only takes 5 days to start moving towards results like these…

Michelle H. 

That's what I found in the Julie - a coach who has been where I am, who understands and provides real advice that actually works.

I love Julie's program - it's simple, effective and fun! If you feel like you've tried everything and nothing works, talk to Julie. She's amazing and her program works! "Because that is where I was at when I joined... I'd tried EVERYTHING and nothing was working for me... but when I went all in in the TRANSFORMATION ACADEMY that all changed and the weight started melting off"

I'm so thrilled I made the investment in myself.

Tammy S.

As I finished the 12 week program a couple of days ago, I am feeling awesome, down 25 pounds. Thanks to Julie Prince🙌 For her help and support. I have been on yoyo diets for over 20 years, and I can honestly say nothing comes even close to this lifestyle change.

It's not the end , it's only the beginning to use the tools Julie provided me for life. Thanks a million🙏🙌❤

Are you struggling to stick to healthy habits, healthy eating, and a lifestyle that you know  would help you look, feel, and perform at your best? 

You’re not alone. In fact, The United Health Foundation found in a recent study that 70% of adults in the U.S. report having at least one unhealthy habit they know they need to break … and another study showed that 61% of adults picked up bad habits over the last few years alone.
During this 5 Day experience our hope is you fall in love with your new healthy lifestyle 😍
And start the momentum towards GREAT RESULTS in your body, your health, habits, sleep and more!

No use of extreme measures, fad diets, quick fixes, or magic pills here. Just a REAL TRANSFORMATION PLAN that works!

If you're ready to rock your confidence again without restrictions, then let's GET TO IT! ✨💪
Side note once you join the Transformation Academy your experience will be even more customized🙌

The Test Drive includes:
- ✅challenging workouts that will meet you where you are
- ✅nutrition, mindset, and health resources to really dial in
- ✅Coaching throughout the duration of the 5 days. You're never alone in your journey! 💫
- ✅You'll know that exact steps to keep the momentum going!

Grab your SPOT in this TEST DRIVE, and let's see what can happen in 5 days!
Our hope is you feel more energized & motivated
Now let's GO!!!🎉
If that’s you, maybe one or more of these sound familiar …
  • You’re spending way more time in front of a screen than getting outside
  • You’re having trouble sticking to a workout routine for more than a few days, weeks, or months at a time
  • You’re eating greasy takeout meals more than you’d like to admit
  •  You’re reaching for the wine, beer, or other vices to cope with stress after a long day
  • ​You never seem to find the time to put yourself first…
  • ​Your clothes are getting tighter and tighter and YOU refuse to buy new ones...
And maybe the list goes on ...
Or, maybe your list looks a little different, but you know you could stand to eat a little healthier, get in a few more workouts, carve out more time to take care of yourself, and start putting your health first …

That’s where "5 Day TEST Drive" comes in!

Make bite-sized shifts to create a lasting TRANSFORMATION  in just 5 days

This program is designed to help you work healthier habits into your day and give you the accountability you need to KEEP the promises you make to yourself … because you deserve to reap the benefits of a happy, healthy life!

When you join the challenge, you’ll get:

  • A meal plan complete with recipes and grocery lists to follow on YOUR app no guessing
  • 5 Daily “Deep Dive” coaching inspirational emails to keep you motivated and on track to hit your goals
  • Meal Plan so you start learning how to EAT for your BODY as a woman 40+
  • A Daily Habit Tracker to track your habits and celebrate your consistency
  • ​ Exercises designed for the woman 40+ delivered on YOUR app these exercises will meet you where your at .... and can be done at home or the GYM with minimal to no equipment (Beginner to the Advanced)
  • ​Personal Accountability & 1-1 Check-Ins WITH YOUR OWN COACH to keep you on track and make sure you have everything you need to be successful
  • ​Private Facebook Group to get support from your coaches and connect with other amazing challengers 
Join the test drive  by clicking the button below and completing the registration
form on the next page:
Here’s what’s possible with just a few simple 
changes to your daily habits

The 5 Day Test Drive is perfect for you if …

  • You picked up some unhealthy habits over the last few years and you need some accountability to drop them
  • You have a hard time sticking to healthy habits on your own and you’re tired of losing that “last 10 pounds” over and over again
  • You’re a busy woman 40+ who feels like you “don’t have time” to practice healthy habits and you want a simple way to incorporate healthier activities into your week
Or ... you’re simply ready to recommit to healthy habits that might have gotten pushed aside because of everyday life!

How Much Are Unhealthy Habits Costing You?

And how much more could you accomplish every day if you felt your best,
looked your best, and performed at your best because you’re consistently 
“filling up your tank” with healthy, daily habits?

In just 5 days, you’ll start:

  • Sticking with your healthy habits so you don’t have to deal with the grueling challenge of starting over every few days, weeks, or months
  • Building confidence and momentum to crush your bigger goals
  • ​Getting the accountability you need to stay the course... not just for 5 days but for LIFE!
That means no more worrying or thinking that you have to make big changes overnight…

Or that you’re just “not good” at eating healthy or exercising…

Or that you’ll be doomed to low energy and an extra few pounds around your waist for the rest of your life.

Meet the Founder, 

Julie is a ACE Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutritionist through Precision Nutrition, life coach with a degree in exercise science, who is passionate about helping women 40+ Burn Fat, Boost Energy, Rock Their Confidence. 

And  truly kickass this Season of Life!

Since May 4, 2002 , she has been helping ambitious women achieve a lifestyle they LOVE by using her 3 Pillar method which has evolved to her MML Method

In her free time, Julie loves remote camping, hiking the mountains, kayaking, windsurfing with her husband and playing with her 2 doggos.
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